
Happy Holidays!



I must make a clairfication on my previous post titled "Seacleaner." The website about seacleaners was also a mishearing on my part. The website that my boyfriend intended that I visit was never viewed due to my quick fascination with seacleaners. I'm still not sure what website he wanted me to use to clean up my dirty computer.


Sea Cleaner

So when my boyfriend told me that I needed to clean up my computer, he told me a website that I misheard. At first I thought he said seatcleaner.com, so I went there. But that was all about cleaning seats. But the URL is for sale. So if you're into seat cleaning, just a tip. But then he told me I was wrong and it was seacleaner. com. So I went there. And it's this really cool(?) website about this ship that goes into the ocean and cleans up trash like big barrels and other seemingly heavy things drifting in ports. The videos are great. Check them out. The best part is that you can watch 3 at once, it's like the seacleaner version of porn. The thing is that the things that the seacleaners pick up are not impressive. They are just pieces of trash that any person could pick up. So I ask you this, loyal blog readers, is the seacleaner actually doing more harm than good?

The decision is yours.




groupie love

sweet action shot


I don't have a life but neither do these people

While doing some research on my most obvious fascination-- yes, that's right: fanny packs-- i ran across this little diddy. I thought it was hilarious that people talk about fanny packs as much as i do. Check this out.

I also learned that fanny packs can also be a means to carry weapons. it made me sad.


New Season, New Photos

With the onset of the new school year, I anticipate to continue capturing images that will bring cheer to all. I must apologize for my laziness toward the end of summer, but part of the blame must be placed on my camera. Toward the very end of July, my little Canon decided to turn everything the sun touched pink. The majority of pictures taken outside were stricken with obscene amounts of Barbie's favorite hue, incidentally ruining many a great photo. However, with hopes of obtaining a newer, better picture-taker I will forge through the next few weeks snapping away under the great flourescent lights of the wonderful indoors. Fear not, my beloved blog-readers, Friends & Fabrics will continue and I promise to post more frequently. Happy end of summer everyone!

A really large globe

What true seduction looks like

Twin of Elvis Filling Up


A comment on "The Dark Knight"

Ok, so I know that everybody's absolutely raving about this movie and I'm in agreeance on most points: I yearned for more screen time with Heath Ledger, because he was amazing; the story is interesting; the movie looks great. However, there is one major thing that almost ruined the movie for me. WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH BATMAN'S VOICE? Everytime he came onto screen as Batman, Christian Bale whispered in a hoarse voice as if Batman had been up all night smoking cigarettes. It was comical and I just couldn't take it seriously. I mean, was it a disguise to keep people from thinking that he was Bruce Wayne? At some points, what he whispered was completely incomprehenisible causing all seriousness to be lost.

Can anyone explain this to me?


Just Duo. My favorite musical group on the cruise, because they are the real life version of the Ana Gasteyer and Will Ferrel skit on SNL.

This version of "The Hustle" is incredible. The man played like 89 different instruments while the woman sang. Notice the people watching-- no one is hustling.

The only friends we made were fake.

Most disgusting pigeons I have ever seen. San Juan.


Man with a fanny in Oxford, Mississippi

While lounging on a bench, lazily observing the occasional passerby, I thought about my most recent photographic failure: while walking down Beale St in Memphis, a man in a hurry cut in front of me-- a man with a fanny, that is. I had absentmindedly left my camera in the car and had no means to capture this magical, mystical moment. It's an image to treasure-- a man with a fanny pack-- especially when the man sports the item in question to its exact fashionable purpose-- above the fanny, packing the items he just couldn't fit in his oversized cargo short pockets. While reminiscing this fond yet tearful memory, it just so happened that a man with a fanny walked by. I was caught off guard; however, I recovered quickly. I stuffed my book into my over-the-shoulder purse and pulled out my camera while I walked/jogged in order to catch up with the man. I took the first photo before crossing the street-- I probably looked like a fool, chasing this ordinary man with my digital camera. I knew that this photo was not good enough and I continued to follow the man; he was entering a building, and I didn't plan on going that far-- that'd be a little too extreme, right? So I quickly snapped another shot before he disappeared forever. Enjoy this unique marvel.

What some Ole Miss students do for fun.

How to bombard someone with an Eiffel Tower in 5 steps...

1. Act like you're all BFFs and sandwich the victim.

2. Quickly follow this by interlocking hands with your arms wrapped around the prey. As the image shows, he is caught quite off guard.

3. Give him a little preview of what the near future holds.

4. He's probably confused at this point, so give poor guy some guidance. He will comply, if treated with patience and kindness, but most importantly reassurance that this won't be embarrassing.

5. Great success! And everyone's happy!

Friends & Fabrics...and a little bit of naughtiness.

Beautiful bracelets, fingernails and friendship.


Summer Update.

Hello friends! Thank you for your support thus far, even though my blog still fails to live up to its title. I have become fascinated with taking photos of people I don't know and objects that I'm unfamiliar with and giving the images various titles. So it is what it is-- and that's how it's going to be.

I have finally left Dayton, Ohio and have traveled to a new place for a few days. As I sit in the University of Mississippi library typing this, I'm surrounded by high school seniors becoming oriented with their new home and students studying for their summer school classes. Yesterday and today, I've walked around the campus pretending to be a current student and my faulty front has yet to be called out.

Next week I leave to go on a cruise-- being on 3 cruises previous to this one-- I know the people aboard will provide me with many a great opportunity for hilarious photos.

Although these adventures may not sound the most exciting, they are-- because an unknown environment inevitably provides me with something to marvel about.
Be prepared for some new postings in the near future.
I hope that summer's going well-- if you have photos, send them to me!




As many of my fans have mentioned to me, the title of my blog seems to contradict the actual postings. The truth of the matter is that when I created my blog, it was on a whim. I had to think of a title quite quickly and this is what I came up with; however, worry no more, the name will soon be changed when I either a. think of something that appropriately corresponds to my posts or b. come up with something incredibly unrelated-- more so than "Friends & Fabrics."

Let me know what you think.


Welcome to my blog.
The title tells all.
Friends & Fabrics.
Be prepared for fabulous photos of both.