



hey everybody

sooooooooo...it's 2:54 on Tuesday and I am done with 2 of my "finals." I use quotes because they weren't actually tests, just papers. So 2 done, 2 to go. As usual, I have been perusing other blogs and there are just so many other amazing ones out there! Please check out my blogroll and admire the artistic abilities that some people have. (I sure don't.) Also, if you have blog suggestions that I should check out, please let me know! I would greatly appreicate it! 
Good luck to all!



Faithful Friends&Fabrics Followers

Woooo alliteration! Anyway, I know there aren't that many of you out there. I'm hoping to change that. I know, I know, I say that I'm going to revamp my blog about every 3 months. But this time I really mean it! (Right, just like when people say they're going to quit smoking). Anyway, I'm getting serious about my blog. I want it to be the bomb. Over t-giving break my mom hooked me up with some sweet filters for my camera and I am definitely going to use those and that will, hopefully, broaden my photo taking. Right now I'm in the midst of preparing for finals, listening to the glorious N'Sync christmas CD, and thinking of how great my blog could be. So, get excited wonderful blog flowers! You know I love you! 




End of Summer


