

I must make a clairfication on my previous post titled "Seacleaner." The website about seacleaners was also a mishearing on my part. The website that my boyfriend intended that I visit was never viewed due to my quick fascination with seacleaners. I'm still not sure what website he wanted me to use to clean up my dirty computer.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you clarified, because I was actually wondering why chris had you go there.

but I'm thinking about checking out the seacleaner website, because I'm bored.

StraightMK said...

I'm guessing he was shooting for www.ccleaner.com, as in the c-drive in your computer. But you're better off just going to Accessories, System Tools, and then to Disk Defragmenter. It takes a while, but boy, your shit gets cleaned!