
lake maxinkuckee

"It's a great day at the Culver Coffee Company" was the slogan of the weekend. A direct quote from a barista who greeted us with an annoying surplus of alacrity first thing in the morning. The phrase was repeated the rest of the day until the next morning when we woke up and wondered, "Is TODAY a great day at the Culver Coffee Company?" Well, there was only one way to find out: return. How could we be so silly to think that it wouldn't be a great day at C cubed? Of course it was a great day; so great in fact that the elements present on the first great day had only been slightly altered for the next great day. It was like a weird application of a jazz musician's notion of "rep and rev" to everyday life.

Day One: Stealth photo taking. This guy was having SUCH a great day that he felt the need to talk on the phone sans shirt. After his phone call was finished he returned to working on his Mac. Apparently, the Culver Coffee Company does not adhere to the "no shirt, no service" policy. What a great day! Well, for that guy at least. I did not find it so GREAT to see him shirtless. Not that he had a bad physique, but come on, we're not on a beach GUY. This is a coffee shop. But I suppose "GREAT" is a subjective term.

Water. Pretty great.

The cottage that I was so grateful to be invited to visit.

Day Two: Stealth photo taking. See what I mean by "rep and rev?" He's on the mac; however, he's got a shirt on. I suppose this GREAT day was a little cooler than the previous GREAT day.

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